Welcome to the Ebook Thriftshop Website!

While all book formats, as well as Audible, are supported at the Ebook Thrift Shop, the Kindle edition is the favorite of this webmaster. Whether you have the actual Kindle device, the Amazon tablet or a computer/phone app, the old saying about 'snuggling up with a good book' can truly become an illuminating experience. Thanks for visiting. And, to paraphrase Lewis Carroll; If you don't know what you're looking for any book will take you there.

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The Bully Pulpit

The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism. Brian Lamb interviews Doris Kearns Goodwin.

More TIme To Read?

Author Ann Patchett on What to Read While Staying Home

As Americans stay home to try to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus, we wanted to provide suggestions for how to fill that time. Author Ann Patchett joins Jeffrey Brown to offer book recommendations for this strange time, including "War and Peace," "Here for It" and "The Night Watchman.
